Assessments can vary based on the need:
Informal Assessments
Interaction with the child using Play skills and Interactive approaches
Talking to professionals (Teacher, Paediatrician)
Checklists (Handwriting, Self-care, Play, Developmental, etc. )
Formal Assessments
(e.g. Sensory Profile 2 ; Visual Motor integration test etc.)
Treatment Models
Occupational Therapy Models used during Intervention are:
The Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement (CMOP-E) - in brief looks at the interaction between the Person. Occupation and Environment but also takes into account the Engagement of the person
Dunn's Model of Sensory Processing - in brief looks at sensory processing in 4 areas and how these impact behaviour and self-regulation.
Intervention is Client Centred based on the goals of the client and is recommended and discussed with the client and their whanau after the assessment.
The formal assessment required will be quoted on an individual basis based on the need.
Types of Formal Assessments:
1. Sensory Profile formal Assessment is made up of the following:
The Winnie Dunn Sensory Profile 2 Online assessment is used and completed with parents or teacher
Either a Child Sensory Profile is completed by parents
OR a School Companion Sensory Profile is completed by the Teacher
Both Profiles can also be completed if parents decide on this.
Observation and Engagement of the child in the home setting
A Kindy or Preschool Observation visit
A Sensory profile Summary and Recommendations unless a Report is required.
2. A Beery Visual-motor Integration Formal test ( 3-18 years) looks at factors that may be impacting handwriting and delayed visual motor and perceptual skills a child might have in the area of writing skills.
Informal Assessments comprise of :
Skilled Observation by the Therapist of various environments based on the needs of the child
Checklists based on the skill area
Play skills
Handwriting Assessment
Self care, e.g toileting skills
Assessment Prices can vary based on the needs of the client:
Session price guide:
Session 1 hour = $120
Session 45 min = $100
Session 1/2hour = $60
Report = $200
Handwriting Sessions
This is usually 10 individual session
The time and price of the session varies based on the age of the child
The sessions include gross and fine motor skills development as well
The sessions are held at a local primary school.
Treatment Prices can vary based on the needs of the client:
Session price guide:(BAsed on hourly rate)
Session 1 hour = $120
Session 45 min = $100
Session 1/2hour = $60
Report = $200